We use the latest technology to produce our glass facades, doors, windows, panoramic glazing, skylights, and sun protection systems. CNC-controlled machines give us a high degree of automation in quality control. The result is precision in mass production and high cost-effectiveness. Last but not least, we owe our 30 years of success and experience with top quality Made in Germany to our specially trained skilled workers. Our main production site is in Germany. However, this is not just a site for production but also a meeting point for our engineers, a place of innovation, and a home to our traditions of precision and reliability. Having all of these things reunited in one place allows us to guarantee our quality control.
Our carefully selected suppliers keep a stockpile to meet demand. Furthermore, during the inspection of incoming goods, we do not tolerate any defects. In keeping with our standards of diligence and responsibility, our glass suppliers are certified for their environmental and energy management in accordance with DIN EN ISO 14001 and DIN EN ISO 50001. Thus, we actively contribute to the mitigation of climate change and the prevention of environmental pollution.
Cutting, milling, drilling, and countersinking: We use the latest CNC technology, appropriate processes, and specially-trained personnel for all aspects of metal processing. We manufacture precision-fit parts for the most demanding products. The combination of the right processes with a digitally controlled process chain results in optimized throughput times to keep costs down.
We always know what to expect when we're on the construction site. This is thanks to our parametric planning and shell construction surveys. We begin to optimize components for assembly even at the manufacturing stage. Assembly, installation, and commissioning are all carried out according to design and quality specifications. With the production capacity at our disposal, we are ideally positioned to handle both large-volume and bespoke construction projects.
Be it at checkpoints or random inspections, either by the supervisor or by the technicians themselves, checks are carried out at all stages of production, from the first manufacturing stage all the way through to shipping. This guarantees the quality of our products.
We are experts in the planning, production, and installation of complex facades.
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