Benedict + Riva

Facades, Windows, Skylights, Panoramic Glazing, Sunscreen Systems, Doors

Schwarzen Keramikplatten von vorgehängter hinterlüfteter Fassade mit Mercedes-Benz Logo


A facade defines the appearance and value of a building. It should meet the highest standards of construction, design and sustainability.

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Aussensicht von Structural Glazing Fenster im Erdgas Sportpark in Halle


Aluminium windows from BENEDICT + RIVA come in a wide range of designs to give your building a unique appearance. They are characterised by excellent stability, durability, value retention and sustainability.

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Lichtdachkonstruktion auf dem Dach vom Senioren Wohnpark Stadtpalais in Leipzig


Skylights from BENEDICT + RIVA are highly transparent to allow plenty of natural light to enter the interior of your building. In addition, they are often an impressive architectural feature.

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Übergrosse Panoramaverglasung mit Widerspieglung vom Himmel abends

Panoramic glazing

BENEDICT + RIVA developed its panoramic glazing product group in response to the wishes of planners, architects and their customers for ever larger and more ambitious floor-to-ceiling window designs.

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Luxusvilla in Lagos mit vorgehängten hinterlüfteten Fassade mit Sonnenschutzanlagen

Sunscreen systems

Solar shading systems from BENEDICT + RIVA are designed to create a balanced and pleasant indoor climate.

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Glastür und Glasfassade vom BMW Kubus Pavillon


Aluminium doors from BENEDICT + RIVA function as a building envelope's calling card giving your premises a specific and individual personality.

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We are experts in the planning, production, and installation of complex facades.



Planning Mock-up Construction Structural engineering


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